Children and Young People
Children and young people usually have more capacity than adults to use imagination and metaphor. Play as observed in children can offer deep insights into their emotional and psychological worlds. Offering space to a child or young person to use their own creativity can lead to them working through for themselves some of the issues they may be experiencing.
I approach my work with young people in a way which incorporates the child's immediate environment - usually their home environment - to ensure that the child is seen in their context, rather than as an isolated entity. I believe that children and young people often 'act out' something which is happening - visibly or invisibly - within the environment. I generally do not view the child as 'the problem', but invite the environment, wherever possible, into the space, in order to observe and gain insight into what it is the child is 'symptomatising'.
In order for this systemic work to take place, I usually work in the following way:
Step 1. A child/young person is referred to me by parents or by an agency
Step 2. I speak with the concerned adult on the phone to get an understanding of who is within the child/young person's environment, and who might need to be involved in the piece of work
Step 3. I invite the child/young person and the immediate environment (usually parents, sometimes siblings, possibly other support workers where involved eg. social worker) into an initial assessment to gain an insight into the appropriateness and type of therapy required
Step 4. If therapy with the child/young person is indicated, I contract with the adult to consent to some sessions of therapy with the child/young person. This contract includes issues around risk, safeguarding, disclosure and child protection.
Step 5. I agree with the child/young person, and the people within the environment to review the work in the form of a group meeting every few sessions, in order to observe the impact of the work on the child and the environment. The work with the child/young person remains confidential and I do not disclose the content of the work to others in the environment unless the child expressly wishes me to do so.
Available for children to use will be:

Visual art materials (paints, crayons etc)
Sculpture with clay/playdoh
Drama including puppetry
Poetry and storytelling
Sand tray and miniature objects
Musical instruments
Dance, movement and bodywork and breathwork

What to do if you feel a young person in your care needs some support:
Simply call me on 07510 164981 or click here to complete a short contact form. We can arrange a time to speak on the phone, before moving on to further work with your child/young person.
Other resources:
Childline 0800 1111
Creative, Embodied, Relational